Julien Rioux <jrioux <at> lyx.org> writes:

> Hi,
> The bibliography preamble is the content of the macro \bibpreamble. It's 
> empty by default, but you can set it using \def\bibpreamble{This text is 
> the preamble.} in ERT. Since you are using Koma-Script, you can use 
> \setbibpreamble{Text} to achieve the same. Koma-Script additionally 
> offers the \BreakBibliography command to insert text fragments (or even 
> section titles) between bibliographic entries. See the attached example 
> and the Koma-Script documentation (scrguien.pdf) for more.
> Cheers,
> Julien
> Attachment (koma-sectioned-bib.lyx): application/lyx, 3059 bytes

A quick word of thanks. To anyone else coming to this post, your solution
works perfectly, as outlined in the attachment.

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