> If you don't need the labels and are just entering reference info, then 
> the easiest thing would be to use the Hanging module, and then select 
> the Hanging paragraph style. Choose that module at Document> Settings> 
> Modules.
> Richard

Thanks indeed for that quick reply.

I hadn't yet used the hanging paragraph environment, and I can see it will
be helpful. I appreciate you pointing it out.

However, in the current situation, I've set up the bibliography using the 
\setbibpreamble & \breakbibliography commands (with help from a kind 
contributor to this list) in order to have preambles and different sections 
within the bibliography. I've just tried what you suggested and the 
"Hanging Paragraph" environment won't work within the "Bibliography" 
environment. So, is it possible to create a hanging paragraph within the 
bibliography while keeping the "Bibliography" environment intact?

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.



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