On 10/22/2013 02:44 PM, William Hanson wrote:
Thanks for the information on creating tableaus. However everything I've seen so far assumes the user knows LaTeX. I've been using LyX for several years, but I've never used LaTeX itself. I'd really rather not spend time learning it just to put a few tableau proofs into a much longer LyX document. Any way of creating tableaus directly in LyX?

No, not at the moment, anyway. There's no native LyX support for this sort of thing. But it should be possible to follow the examples.


On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org <mailto:rgh...@lyx.org>> wrote:

    There are lots of useful resources about this here:


    On 10/22/2013 12:37 PM, Ernesto Posse wrote:
    Hello. The easiest (and nicest) way to do this is using the tikz
    package: in the preamble put


    and then, wherever you want the tableau, put in a TeX box the





    \node {$\{\neg ((p \lor (p \land q)) \limp p)\}$}

        child {node {$\{p \lor (p \land q), \neg p\}$}

            child {node {$\{p\}$}}

            child {node {$\{p \land q\}$}

                child {node {$\{p,q\}$}}}};


    Note that the structure of the tree depends on the grouping
    braces { ... }.

    On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 12:04 PM, William Hanson <whan...@umn.edu
    <mailto:whan...@umn.edu>> wrote:

        Dear LyX Colleagues,

        I'm trying to create tableau proofs, which are branching
        columns of text, as illustrated in the attachment.  Examples
        can also be found in Melvin Fitting and Richard Mendelsohn,
        /First-Order Modal Logic/, Kluwer, 1998.  Any help  will be

        Bill Hanson

-- Ernesto Posse

    Modelling and Analysis in Software Engineering
    School of Computing
    Queen's University - Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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