This is a recurrent problem for me, and I think it's for other as well.

Certainly someone has already discussed this issue in this list (or in the 
devel list), but every time I take some time to browse through them, I cannot 
find it, or perhaps I'm not sufficiently knowledgeable on the internal working 
of LyX to really identify the subject...

Anyway, whenever I'm editing a mathematical equation and have a need for a 
symbol not included in the standard latex and AMStex sets, I have to look for 
it elsewhere. 

A good place to look for new symbols is the 'The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol 
So, if I want the "\partialslash" symbol, I have to edit the preamble and 
insert "\usepackage{mathabx}".  If I want the double square bracket delimiters 
"\ldbrack" and "\rdbrack", I have to \usepackage{txfonts}, and so forth. 
It works fine to generate the exported document in PDF or PS and also with 
Instant Preview.  However, the math equation editor (or math mode) does not 
render non-AMS/latex symbols, but leaves them as ERT's.

That's ok if you are creating a document with LyX, but for those of us that use 
LyX to make mathematical calculations as well, the rendition of all symbols 
goes a long way to facilitate the visualization of the mathematical expression.

So I ask you LyXperts: is it possible to configure the math mode editor so that 
it uses also mathabx and other different math fonts?  The roadmap to LyX 2.1 
mentions enhanced support for math font selection (OpenType fonts) and support 
ofr cropped PDF/EPS.  However, AFAIU, these enhancements will have an effect on 
IP and on the exported document.  Seems to me that the math editor will still 
use the same screen fonts.  Or am I wrong?
Rudi Gaelzer
Institute of Physics
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Registered linux user # 153741

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