Am 30.03.2014 07:57, schrieb Carsten Jahn:

Hey. Sorry for late answer and thanks for the input.
I didnt mean long tables but wide ones, and word, as much as I hate to
admit, is better in that one IMHO, as you could just drag your table till
it fits,

That is just the opposite of the WYSIWYM concept of LyX and LaTeX. The concept is to let the software decide after professional rules what means "it fits".

while you have to manually input the parameters in LyX and compile
it for every trial and error.

Note that this is not the way you should go. If you try to fit everything as you like it all the time you look a lot of time and when you modify your document you will have to do this again and again. So better concentrate on writing and do the fine-tuning when the document is really ready.

This way of writing is very different from all other word processors but once you have done this you will see the benefits. In contrary in Word you will have no other chance than to fit objects all the time when changing the document.

regards Uwe

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