On 04/01/2014 10:42 PM, Okhaide Akhigbe wrote:
I am trying to import the springer "BioMed Central's TeX template" (http://www.springeropen.com/authors/tex), for use in a journal.

When I import I get this error

                image 1

The following is my configurations:
Windows 8 64bit
LyX 2.0.7
MikeTex 2.9

I think you get this error if you do not have a layout file for whatever class the template uses. In this case, the class is bmcart.layout, and unless you wrote a layout file yourself, you do not have one.

Please see Chapter 5 of the Customization manual for information on what layout files are and so forth, if that did not make sense to you. Since bmcart is just a variant of article, you should at least be able to get basic functionality by (i) copying the article.layout file into your LyX user directory; (ii) renaming it as bmcart.layout; (iii) changing the first line to read:
    \DeclareLaTeXClass{Article (BMC)}
(iv) reconfiguring LyX and then attempting to re-import. Probably a lot of the template will import as ERT, since this layout file says nothing about whatever is different about bmcart.


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