On 05/30/2014 05:38 AM, Jon Haitz Legarreta wrote:
can anybody give some advice on this, please?

I take it the problem is that no one here is using this class. But I'll try.

Hi there,
I am having quite a few difficulties while trying to use the LNCS style [1] in a LyX document.

My aim to use the LNCS style in a LyX document, and then export it to a PDF.

Apparently, I have succesfully installed the LNCS style for MiKTeX (following some instructions I found [2]): I pasted the lncs.cls and llncsdoc.sty files under \MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\lncs, executed texhash, refreshed FNDB and updated formats in MiKTeX and reconfigured LyX.

The LNCS style is now available under the "Document" "Configure" menu entry in LyX.

I import the input llncs.dem file (or the very same file with the *.tex extension) provided in the materials [1] using the "Import" "Simple LaTeX" option in Lyx.

When trying to export the attached document (which is the very llncs.dem example provided by LNCS authors) to a PDF (via either LuaTeX or pdflatex), LyX is unable to export the document.

Some of the errors are: [snip]

The way to debug this is to start deleting material from the document until you get something that will compile. Then start adding stuff back until you find what's causing the problem.

You should check the document preamble, as well as the body. There could be errors there.


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