On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Steve Burnham <dan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a BibTeX generated list of references that is doing one entry
> incorrectly.  As sen in the attached picture there is a period being placed
> after the question mark.  I need to remove this period

I realize this does not directly solve what you want to do, but I believe
it is relevant. Are you *sure* that you need to remove the period? I
believe it's worth asking. I have on occasion worked hard attempting to do
something (sometimes succeeding, sometimes not) with a package that I
actually did not need to do. As an example, I was very frustrated recently
because I *needed* to place the full author list in the text for an article
which had seven authors. I wrestled around with it for a while before
finally checking the APA manual. It turns out, you're actually not supposed
to list all seven authors in the text, but instead use et al., even for the
first instance they are cited. This was a bit weird to me, but it turned
out that what I *needed* to do did not actually *need* to be done. I know
that APA says you put a period after the title of the article. This rule
technically holds, even if there is a question mark in the title, and even
if it looks weird. I don't know about vancover, but I think it's worth
checking. Do you really *need* to remove that period?


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