Hello everone!

I have a fresh install of Lyx (bundle) on my windows box. Lyx starts up
fine, but I can not typeset files using Ctrl-R. All packages are marked as
unavailable, although the miktex path seems to be fine (C:\Program Files
(x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin) and miktex itself seems to work as expected.
Lyx Reconfigure fails with:

$ /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/LyX\ 2.1/bin/lyx.exe -x reconfigure
Looking for python v2.x ...
Examining C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1//Python/python.exe
Examining C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1//Python/pythonw.exe
Examining C:/cygwin64/bin/python2.7.exe
Examining C:/cygwin64/bin/python3.2m.exe
Warning: No python v2.x binary found.
checking for DVI to DTL converter...
+checking for "dv2dt"...  yes
checking for DTL to DVI converter...
+checking for "dt2dv"...  yes
checking for a Latex2e program...
+checking for "latex"...  yes
checking for a DVI postprocessing program...
+checking for "pplatex"...  yes
checking for pLaTeX, the Japanese LaTeX...
+checking for "platex"...  yes
'\\win.desy.de\home\fwilde\Application Data\LyX2.1'
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
UNC paths are not supported.  Defaulting to Windows directory.
platex: The memory dump file could not be found.
platex: Data: platex.fmt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources/configure.py", line 1536,
in <module>
    LATEX = checkLatex(dtl_tools)
  File "C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources/configure.py", line 506, in
  File "C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources/configure.py", line 32, in
    file = open(filename, 'w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'chklatex.ltx'
..\..\..\src\support\Systemcall.cpp (292): Systemcall: 'python -tt
"C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources/configure.py"
--binary-dir="C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/bin/"' finished with exit code 1

Calling python -tt "C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources/configure.py"
--binary-dir="C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/bin/" oth works fine. I gave
almost every Permissions to everyone in C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1 and
can write file there. So, somethings is very wrong with my installation I
can't figure out what that is. Does anyone have an idea what is going on?



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