Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 5:30 PM, Will Parsons <varro@nodomain.invalid> wrote:
>> I have a table in which I wish some cells to contain multiple
>> paragraphs.  I can apparently create separate paragraphs by the normal
>> method of hitting Enter, at least as far as it appears within LyX, but
>> when I attempt to export to PDF I get a series of errors beginning
>> with:
>>   Paragraph ended before \@item was complete.
>> and the last three words of the first paragraph are highlighted.
>> This is with LyX 2.1.0 under FreeBSD.
>> I'm including a stripped down version of the problem LyX file below.
> Hi Will,
> Thanks for reporting this. I tried your example and indeed I get an
> error when compiling. However if I change the layout from
> "Description" to "Standard" (place the cursor in front of the table,
> and do <alt + p, s>) then the file compiles fine. Note that the reason
> you can enter lines is because in that column you have a fixed width.
> I don't know enough about tables or long tables in LaTeX to know if
> there is a LyX bug here.

Thanks, that seems to have partially solved the problem.  Partially,
because although I can now export to PDF without an error, the
paragraphs are not separated by a space as they are in the main body
of the text.  (The stripped down test file I posted doesn't have any
text outside the table, but it's apparent in the real document.)

Although my preferred style for separating paragraphs is by using a
blank line, I changed it to the default way of using indentation to
see what would happen, and indeed the paragraphs inside the table cell
are displayed the same, i.e., no separation or indentation.  Is there
a fundamental problem with using paragraphs inside a table?  (I notice
that while the main text outside the table shows up as "Standard"
style, the text inside the table shows as "Plain Layout", and
"Standard" does not seem to be available.)

I suppose it might be possible to get around this by placing
individual paragraphs in separate table cells and selectively
suppressing cell boundary lines, but that sounds awfully fiddly.

Anyway, I don't think I'd have figured out how to get this far from the
error messages, so whether there's a bug or not in LyX, I think there
is room for improvement in error handling.  Thanks for the pointer.


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