On 08/18/2014 05:57 PM, Hrishikesh Das Gupta wrote:
Hi, I appreciate your response.

_Document class : Book_
_My Preamble : _

 % \renewcommand{\partname}%
    %{Fake Chapter}%
\usepackage{fancyhdr}% http://ctan.org/pkg/fancyhdr
\fancyhead{}% Clear all headers
\fancyfoot{}% Clear all footers
\fancyfoot[C]{\thepage}% Page number in Right footer
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% Remove header rule
\pagestyle{fancy}% Set page style to "fancy"

*/Best regards,/*
*/Hrishi Das Gupta/*
*/Graduate Student/*
*/Department of Engineering Physics/*
*/McMaster University/*
*/1280 Main Street West/*
*/Hamilton, ON L8S 4L7/*

Try something like:


This is just a modification of what is in book.cls. There's probably a better solution, though.


PS Make sure to keep replies on the list.
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org <mailto:rgh...@lyx.org>> wrote:

    On 08/18/2014 05:33 PM, Hrishikesh Das Gupta wrote:
    */I am using lyx for 2 years. Recently, I am facing a problem.
    All my figure captions are like this - Figure 1.1.1 , figure
    1.1.2 ..and so on. However, I want them like this - Figure 1.1,
    figure 1.2 etc./*
    */Please help me to solve this problem asap./*

    /*What document class are you using?


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