Instant on would mean ROM based startup like the model 100 with a similar 
operating system. Although some of the new small laptops have very short 
startup times, using solid state drives.

Fred Whitaker

Sent from my iPhone

On May 13, 2015, at 9:47 AM, "Shaun M. Wheeler" <> wrote:

> The only "must" for me would be instant-on.  Wouldn't want to sit through a 
> minute of boot screens.
> On May 13, 2015 8:42 AM, "Scott Lawrence" <> wrote:
>> Why don't we approach this from a different angle.  What features are
>> important to you with respect to a modern Model T-alike?
>> From what I can guess, the list would be something like this: (please,
>> correct and adjust this...)
>> - lightweight, portable
>> - Very low power
>>  - must be able to run multiple days of common use on a charge
>>  - powered by standard batteries for field-replacement
>> - Full size keyboard - doesn't need numpad or cursor keys/penalty box
>> - Modern connection interfaces
>>  - USB for firmware updates, internal storage maintenance
>>  - SD Card for removable storage
>> - reasonably durable - all ports have caps/covers, SD card is behind a
>> panel, not sticking out, etc.
>> - RS232 interface (for backwards compatibility)
>> - Multiline, low power display
>>  - model T should be a minimum.. 8x40
>>  - monochrome OK
>> - Builtin Applications, expandable
>>  - Text Editor
>>  - File Manager
>>  - Scripting/Programming language
>>  - Terminal Program
>> And things that might be nice to have:
>> - Video output (composite/hdmi/vga/whatever)
>> - Spreadsheet application?
>> - Word processor
>> - Printer support
>> - Wifi support (ssh/telnet/simple web browser)
>> - bluetooth support (serial connection, file sharing?)
>> - built-in carry handle
>> Anyway, to *me*, If I were to implement this from here, what this would mean 
>> is:
>> - 3D printed or lucite/plexiglass based case with integrated carry handle
>> - AA or LiIon battery with external charger and replaceable battery packs
>> - ARM based CPU, underclocked
>> - eInk monochrome display
>> - realtime clock
>> - BASIC or LUA based programming/scripting support
>> - Happy Hacker-esque keyboard (google it)
>> Thoughts?
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Clinton Reddekop
>> <> wrote:
>> > I've been wondering if this would be a good fit:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 4:42 AM, Stephen Adolph <>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> nice dream indeed, but for me it always falls short when power consumption
>> >> is considered.  You may find it hard to believe but achieving a computer 
>> >> for
>> >> 50 mA is pretty hard in today's technology.
>> >>
>> >> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 5:11 AM, VANDEN BOSSCHE JAN
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> I'm coming back to the dream we sometimes share: re-building the Model T
>> >>> with current technology.
>> >>>
>> >>> 3-D printing gives us the opportunity to (re-)design the case.
>> >>>
>> >>> Cheap computers, like the one below, or a RasPi, could provide the heart.
>> >>> Autoboot an emulation! Does VirtualT on Linux exist yet?
>> >>>
>> >>> Apparently, the type of display of the Model T 240x64 is still made.
>> >>> Eg. from the page
>> >>> 
>> >>> ...
>> >>> take your pick!
>> >>> The following stands out (size, price, colour, ...)
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> All we need to find is a keyboard. No numpad! and how to connect the
>> >>> arrow-keys ?
>> >>>
>> >>> And money, of course... Crowdfunding ?
>> >>>
>> >>> Ah, I can dream, can't I ?
>> >>>
>> >>> Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
>> >>> Jan-80             """""
>> >>> @ work            ( = = )
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> -----Original Message-----
>> >>> From: M100 [] On Behalf Of
>> >>> Hiraghm
>> >>> Sent: dinsdag 12 mei 2015 18:29
>> >>> To:
>> >>> Subject: [M100] $9 Computer
>> >>>
>> >>> ZDnet had this article on this tiny successor (cousin?) to the Raspberry
>> >>> PI.
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>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >
>> --
>> Scott Lawrence

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