I was reading the bitchin100 site, about the BlueM and the software that let's you access the internet.
I downloaded some BBS source, not sure how much use it would be, if any.

I think a BBS, or network of BBSes on the internet, dedicated to 8/16 bit machines (not just the M10x) would be great.

I've got SMAUG M.U.D. sitting on my HD, including, I think, sourcecode.

I think I'd like to run a multiplayer online text adventure game (MMOTAG?) like Smaug, with customizations for the M10x... and a MUD client for the M10x/M200. Don't know if I could have the time to dedicate to it, or not. I doubt most M10x enthusiasts would be very interested in playing it, but there might be enough if it also supports other 8/16 bit machines, and support for their different capabilities (whereas the M10x would be text-only, a C64 or Atari 800 might include still images of monster encounters, or maps... kind of like Bard's Tale...)

But, I think a dedicated MUD client would almost certainly have to take advantage of the REX, possibly SuperREX. Maybe have it be a comprehensive MUD/BBS client?

(How does View80 work? Being able to cut down to half screen with 30 char lines on the left and some kind of dungeon map and/or inventory control on the right would be very nice.)

Anyway, daydreaming again...

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