IMO, the Tdock should not be portable. It is, after all, a 'dock', a docking
station. What I would like to see, rated from high to low, is simply:
- video output
- removable storage
- connectivity
Connectivity is not too important for me, if I have removable storage on a
medium that can be read on another computer.
Removable storage isn't mandatory either, come to think of it. Because a lot of
people already have their TPDD's and/or emulator set up, possible on different
environments, ranging from DOS to Windows, via Linux, Apple, Palm and
Android.(?) And some even have NADS.
Video output is THE function to have, IMHO. And I have more VGA monitors around
the house than HDMI-enabled devices. Also, the latter tend to be bigger. As for
VGA monitors, I can get as low as 9 inch, wich is still fine to display 40x16
in text, or 240x128 in graphical mode. And old 1024x768 15" VGA TFT monitors
can be found everywhere, if they aren't dumped yet. I think VGA isn't dead yet.
I just bought a new Lenovo laptop, and aside from HDMI, it still has VGA.
Or you could turn it around: design TDOCK with a monitor build-in?
Just dreaming...
Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
Jan-80 """""
@ work ( - 0 )
Be green, read from the screen!
From: M100 [] On Behalf Of Joe Grubbs
Sent: dinsdag 19 mei 2015 20:45
To: Bitchin100
Subject: Re: [M100] TDock
Hey Ken,
I'm so glad you posted this because I've been wondering how the project is
Personally I'd like to see a modern video interface. Maybe not the old VGA
standard specifically, but something fresh like HDMI that would work with a
myriad of high res TVs and monitors nowadays. WiFi and RJ-45 network
interfaces, as well as SD storage are also high on my list. Additional sound
hardware would be nice but it's not a priority to me.
Just my $0.02 :)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 10:50:34 -0700
Subject: [M100] TDock
Hey gang,
Bob asked about the status of TDock the other day and it made me think about it
with the very ew background cycles of spare though time that I have. But it
made me wonder, what should be the focus of such a device? Long battery life
with WiFi and SD card access capability (along with VGA)? An added HDMI output
and USB Host port with shorter battery life? Added support for generic digital
and /or analog I/O (DACs, ADCs, etc.)?
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