Does anyone have an example linker script for VirtualT?

I've created the following assembly language file from a tutorial and want to generate a CO file.

Thanks, Mark.

;Nov 12, 1984
        ORG        0DAC0H
; These are all ROM subroutines
DISPLAY    EQU        05A58H        ;print message pointed to by HL
LCD        EQU        04B44H        ;print character in register A
CHGET    EQU        012CBH        ;wait for keypress
MENU    EQU        05797H        ;main MODEL 100 menu
SECS     EQU        0F933H        ;memory location for seconds
BEGIN    LXI        HL,MESSAGE    ;set HL pointer to start of message data
        CALL    DISPLAY        ;display message
        LXI        HL,SECS+1    ;SECS+1 = $F933+1 = $F934
        MOV        A,M
        CALL    LCD
        LXI        HL,SECS
        MOV        A,M
        CALL    LCD
        CALL    CHGET
        JMP        MENU
MESSAGE DB        "TIME ="    ;message data
        DB        00H            ;terminator

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