I found it. Time minder pulls all three bytes from the clock chip and places 
them in memory. Then it builds the calendar for the selected month. Finding the 
year and adding 100 was the easy part. For the display error I kept looking for 
19 so I could change it to 20 but that would be two bytes. So I began looking 
for a hex value of 13 and sure enough I found it. I have to modify it on the 
fly since it's in a temporary location. 

I have been able to modify all 4 versions of the software. I have not saved the 
two cassette versions back to mp3 but when I get back from my trip I will. I 
changed 6 bytes of the existing code and added 12 bytes of new code to each.
Kudos to Ken for Virtual-T. I never could have pulled this off using just the 


     On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 4:17 AM, Ron Wiesen <ronwie...@att.net> wrote:

 #yiv6343079072 #yiv6343079072 -- _filtered #yiv6343079072 
{font-family:Helvetica;panose-1:2 11 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 4;} _filtered #yiv6343079072 
{font-family:Tahoma;panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;}#yiv6343079072 
#yiv6343079072 p.yiv6343079072MsoNormal, #yiv6343079072 
li.yiv6343079072MsoNormal, #yiv6343079072 div.yiv6343079072MsoNormal 
{margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:12.0pt;}#yiv6343079072 a:link, 
#yiv6343079072 span.yiv6343079072MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv6343079072 a:visited, #yiv6343079072 
span.yiv6343079072EmailStyle17 {font-family:Arial;color:navy;} _filtered 
#yiv6343079072 {margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;}#yiv6343079072 
div.yiv6343079072Section1 {}#yiv6343079072 Hello Kurt:    “It pulls theYear, 
Month and Day values from the clock chip but then does it's owncalculations. 
This makes leap days valid.”    As I recall, the clock chip does not 
expressFebruary 29 on leap days because it does not incorporate leap years 
within itsdate algorithm.  So when a leap year arrives and time passes 23:59:00 
onFebruary 28, the clock chip advances to time of 00:00:00 and date of March 1. 
   But it is possible to incorporate a Modified JulianDate algorithm into a 
program that will be accurate.  One is part of the SunCompass program, which 
can be found at the Club 100 website as first place entryof the Club 100 27th 
annual programming contest.    Keeper of the Primordial Bit (mother of all 
bits), -=Ron Wiesen =-    From: M100 [mailto: m100-boun...@lists.bitchin100.com 
] On Behalf Of Kurt McCullum
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 20:20
To: Model 100 Discussion
Subject: [M100] Time Minder    Irecently acquired (Thanks Lee!) a copy of Time 
Minder for the T200. Afterloading it up I realized that it suffered from a Y2K 
bug. Different from whatwe see on Menu which is just a fixed value. Time Minder 
calculates all datesfrom an epoch of Jan 1 1900 and ignores the DAY$ value in 
the clock. So whencalculating calendar, there was no way to make it work on 
dates above December31st, 1999. It pulls the Year, Month and Day values from 
the clock chip butthen does it's own calculations. This makes leap days valid. 
But trying tobuild a calendar for 2015 results in a 1915 calendar.    Aftersome 
digging with Virtual-T, I replaced a LDA command with a CALL to 6 newbytes of 
code. There I loaded the Year and added 100 to the accumulator. Thismakes all 
the calendars appear perfectly on dates past 2000.    Theonly problem now is 
displaying 20 instead of 19 on the screen. For some reasonfinding that code has 
eluded me, but the software is not functional.    Thereare 4 version of Time 
Minder, two for loading from the cassette port and twofrom the DVI/TS-Dos. 
Right now I have the DVI/TS-Dos versions working but stilldisplaying 19 instead 
of 20 for the century.    Mynext step is to apply the epoch year fix to the 
cassette versions and then tryto fix the display issue.    Kurt    


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