While I'm not ready to start the project, I've finally decided to build myself my own, custom, more-modern M100. I've found some 6.5 inch LCDs on ebay, 800 x 480, that should serve for the display. I can put speakers on either side.

What I plan/require:

very close to M100 overall dimensions.
intel-compatible processor... I want the option to be able to run MSDOS or Windows (even if only Win98) w/o emulation. A nice, full-stroke, clicky keyboard; doesn't have to be full size, but no chiclets or laptop keyboards
Minimum of 800 x 480 display (giving me a comfortable 80-column text mode)
1ghz preferable (assuming it can run Windows)
1gb RAM preferable
internal storage
RS232, and parallel ports if possible.
wifi, if possible
cellular capability if possible (I saw Ben Heckendorn make a cell phone out of a raspberry pi or some such...)
touchscreen if possible

I'll build the case myself, from scratch. I have my own ideas.

An MSDOS machine would offer sufficient software base, and I could make an M100-like GUI for it. Does anyone know of an ITX or similar motherboard that would fit roughly within the form-factor of an M100? Likewise, does anyone know of a good, full-stroke 3/4 size keyboard, with large keys?

Does anyone know of a cellular module that would work with an ITX motherboard?

Also, I'm going to need a decent power supply in a small form factor. I'd love to be able to run it on double-As, but that's not practical. So it'll need rechargeable batteries. If I can find a thin enough motherboard, I can make a back plate filled with rechargeable batteries, adding weight but giving it a long life.

Any suggestions or advice are very welcome! I'll post progress here as I make it.

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