Found my Model 100 back.

//Strange, that I as a collector, have several Models 102 and 200, but only one 
Model 100//

Checked again:
- it doesn't have the trig error
- it does have the Pi character

But it also has a "repaired" sticker on the back. I don't know what the repair 
was, unless there is someone who has all the Tandy codes for the different 
repairs possible. (If such a list exists) But I'm afraid that there is no 
alternative but to open up my Model 100 and see if there was anything changed 
inside. I'll take photos along the way, so that people who know - you know who 
you are - can tell me if there is anything strange or modified on my '100.

Would changing the main ROM - to correct the trig error - also modify the 
character set? Or are they located in different chips?

Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
Jan-80             """""
@ work            ( @ @ )

-----Original Message-----
From: M100 [] On Behalf Of VANDEN 
Sent: maandag 7 september 2015 15:03
To: Model 100 Discussion
Subject: Re: [M100] math error

Actually, it would be good to check 2 things:
- ? characters set contains PI = later, corrected, M102/M200 character set
- ? ROM does not contain trig fault = later, corrected, M102/M200 character set
- note the serial number


Anyway, the check can be done using the PI.BA program listed here, below or in 
my file section on the website.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Vanden Bossche
> Still, I checked yesterday, it has the model 200/102 character set.
> It has the product number 26-3801A (the A stamped) and
> a s/n that starts with a 40...
> Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
> Jan-80             """""
> @ work            ( @ @ )
> Have some more PI ;-)
> 20 P1=4*ATN(1)
> 22 PRINT" = 4*ATN(1) =";P1
> 24 L=80:GOSUB80
> 30 P2=2*ATN(3D13):PRINT
> 32 PRINT" = 2*ATN(3D13) =";P2
> 34 L=160:GOSUB80
> 40 PRINT@260,CHR$(136):L=261:GOSUB80
> 42 PRINT@261,;
> 50 A$=INPUT$(1)
> 52 END
> 80 R=INT(L/40):C=L-R*40:X=C*6:Y=R*8
> 82 LINE(X,Y+1)-(X+4,Y+1)
> 84 LINE(X+1,Y+2)-(X+1,Y+6)
> 86 LINE(X+3,Y+2)-(X+3,Y+5)
> 88 PSET(X+4,Y+6):REM print PI at L
> DIGICS and PI are available in
> the Club100 Member Upload Library/Jan Vanden Bossche.
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