
It was that article that got me to dig out my M100 and a 'spare' raspberry pi (a B+) I had sitting around. I had played with the m100 and the first pi I had but that project fell by the wayside. I connect in a slightly different way since I had been connecting the pi to my other machines via the GPIO bus and a USB to serial adapter. So (to me) it seemed logical to try the M100 and the GPIO bus.

This meant using a level shifter (the pi is 0/3.3 v, I think) and RS-232 is -12/+12. I found a couple of pi sites that talked about the MAX232 chip, and I built a little adapter using this chip from a kit.

The pi and the M100 work fairly well together. There is no hardware handshaking, but at least raspbian and a recent version of arch both had xon/xoff handshaking as default on /dev/ttyAMA0 (the GPIO bus serial port). At 19200 baud things still got garbled but 9600 is just fine. I made my own null modem with some db9 and db25 connectors and a soldering iron.

I even compiled dl (the linux version of desklink) and I can use the pi as a mass storage device. I still haven't figured out how to end the dl program from the M100, but the pi is fairly robust and with another pi (my 3g modem/wifi hotspot) we just unplug it when we want to turn it off. I could probably also use a timer to automatically end dl after a fixed time but I haven't gotten around to trying this.


On Wed, 21 Oct 2015, Duane Calvill wrote:

While browsing the internet. I was found this article. Just wanted to pass
it on to other to read.


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