Great work Willard. Look forward to playing the new version.

    On Tuesday, March 15, 2016 12:48 PM, Willard Goosey <> wrote:

 Can it possibly be? A new version of ROG less than a month after the

Yes, in fact, it can!

Also available from my (Willard Goosey) Personal Library on

Because of Internet feedback by our own Master of mComm, Kurt
McCullum, all dungeons generated by ROG are now "solvable". That is it
is possible to get from one staircase to the other. Previously this
was only done on Level 1.

What is ROG? ROG is the Model 100 roguelike game. What is a
"roguelike" game? It is a top-down, turn-based Computer Role-Playing
Game. The object is to fight your way down to Level 26, kill the Tandy
Warlock, and make it back out of the dungeon alive!

The Warlock is waiting for you...
Willard Goosey
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
I search my heart and find Cimmeria, land of Darkness and the Night.
  -- R.E. Howard


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