Hi Bill,

Yeah, the Mac version is definatley buggy. I had worked on it some, but it seems the FLTK libraries used for the GUI functions behave differently on Mac than on Linux / Windows.


On 3/15/16 10:22 PM, Bill Nobel wrote:
Thanks Willard and Ken.

I have played a bit with the VirtualT assembler Ken, but it seems a bit buggy 
on my Mac.  The left pane is always black and I had to adjust colors to even 
see the source in the right pane, although I may have some settings not 
properly setup.  This gives me a starting point.  I have all the technical docs 
I could find, so I have some reading to do.

The 102 is still in transit yet, but should be here Monday.

Bill Nobel

On Mar 15, 2016, at 7:27 PM, Willard Goosey <goo...@sdc.org> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 06:15:01PM -0600, Bill Nobel wrote:

I see that Club100 seems to be the Hardware centre for this machine
now, for Memory expansions and PC xfer software.  My first thing I
want to acquire is a full Assembler/Disassembler for the 102.  I see
from some of the archives that most of these are a combo of
Basic/Assembly to accomplish this is there a decent pure machine
code assembler for the 102, or for that matter a Cross assembler on
the PC?
The best native M100 assembler is probably ROM2, which is available as
a REX image.

For cross assemblers, the standard under DOS/windows is TASM (Table
ASM, not Turbo ASM). For UNIX-ish OSes the choice is pretty much
limited to ASM80, ZMAC, and (maybe)ASX. TASM, ZMAC, and ASX are
maintained on the Internet.

I have ASM80 at
http://www.sdc.org/~goosey/unix/asm80-2011-07-19.tar.gz and in my
("Willard Goosey") personal library on Club100.org. I also have library
files and headers for asm80/zmac at
http://www.sdc.org/m100/m100def.zip , for TASM at .../m100/dosm100.zip
and unfortunately I'm still a few steps short of generating m100 .CO
files via ASX.


For all the cross-assembler tools you will probably want the
approprate version of HEX2CO from Chris Osburn's personal library on

There's a lot of good stuff on Club100, I just found the DEBUG on
Adrian Ryan's personal library... haven't tried it yet, but it sounds

Willard Goosey  goo...@sdc.org
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
I search my heart and find Cimmeria, land of Darkness and the Night.
  -- R.E. Howard

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