On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Bill Nobel <b_no...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys
> I am a recent newcomer to the Model 102 and am trying to setup Desklink &
> Teeny on my win 7 starter Small laptop.  I have a USB to serial cable which
> when I use Hyperterminal @ 19,200 I have communication.  I am able to send
> a straight text file @ 9600 baud to the M102.  When I try to use Teeny at
> either baud rate it fails to inject the boot loader to the 102.  I end up
> getting 1 line of code with garbage characters.  Any ideas what is wrong
> here?
> Bill Nobel
Desklink? For DOS?

Can you start with laddiealpha or mcomm please. I don't think Desklink
works on Windows 7.

-- John.

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