Anyway, you surely knew this. 

There is a new development
going on, that basically will re-unite all of the NADSbox functionality,
but will not be based on a unique design, but will be based on the
famous raspberry Pi. This little 35$ computer will provide the
processing power, and a little Pi-hat card will provide the I/O. Some
programming and voilà, a functional and powerfull TPDD emulator, with
extra functions. 

This was announced a few weeks/months(?) ago. I am
looking forward to it. I hope it will as good as it imagine it to be.

Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
I did read in a magazine at Barnes and Nobles about what Raspberry Pi can do. I 
am glad that someone is using more modern technology to use this with a TRS 80 
Model 100. If anyone has more information about this.
Please share it with me and others on the M100 list and others who might be 
interested in this.
Thank You Jan-80 for sharing your information to me and to others.
Duane A.

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