As far as I know, the answer is NO. It's not as simple as you hope it would be.

Because you have to realise that the Model T's are, by today's standards, 
really primitive computers. There is not even a Disk Operatin System build in. 
The only thing that even resembles a DOS, is the communication with a TPDD. But 
even if it's dressed up as a disk system, it basically is a communications 
protocol over a serial port with another serial device. Actually, not like a 
common DOS at all.

Integrating a disk - and of variable size - into that means that you have to 
translate the commands from the rudimentary communication protocol of the Model 
T towards file commands that apply to this  disk/ram device. No simple task if 
you have to do it all by yourself, i.e., if there is no underlying OS to wich 
you can pass commands to.

I have the impression that a lot of people didn't understand what an 
engineering masterpiece NADSbox is/was. It translates the TPDD protocol and 
creates its own disk-access protocol towards an SD-card, so that this can even 
be read by other computers. Basically, he wrote a mini-DOS into a purpose-build 
computer. There are not many people in the world who could have done thàt, I 

On top of the software, there's the hardware. You need to get the signals from 
a serial port, through the translating process, towards an SD-card or a 
flashdrive. Again, that is not too simple, though there, luckily, you can use 
industry standard components. But you still need a skilled engineer - like Ken 
- to put it all together with the controller, the interpreting and translating 
software, to make a working unit.

The NADSbox did all this, custom made. The price was steep, understandably, but 
it was still only the cost of the hardware, I don't think Ken made any profit 
from it.

Basically, to be able to use any modern storage via a Model T, you need a 
computer in between to make it work.

To avoid building the computing element from scratch, why not use one 
off-the-shelf ? And that's where the Raspberry Pi comes in. This computer is as 
powerfull as an iPhone. You have an operating system to handle disk operations, 
and you have USB and SD-card ports. The only thing you need now - and that's 
still easier said than done -  is a link to the serial port of the Model T, and 
the translating software. But because you are working in a real computer, the 
translating software can be an adaptation of software that already exists. Like 

You see that, by using a Pi, you reduce software and hardware effort 

I am working on using an old Pi as a TPDD. Just like with my DOS station, I 
intend to write an article and post it to the Wiki.

Everyone, feel free to correct any gibberish I might have mentioned above.

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Jan Vanden Bossche @ work

From: M100 [] On Behalf Of Duane Adrian
Sent: woensdag 30 maart 2016 14:45
Subject: [M100] Could you use a USB portable flash drive as an alternative 
device to stores files on a Model 100 ?

I was wondering if you could use any USB Flash drive to save files. Maybe have 
some software written for it so the Model 100 would understand it.

I heard of the NADSBox and Raspberry Pi. But the NADSBox is expensive and I am 
not sure if it is available anymore.

As for Raspberri Pi. It is $35 dollars. I have even seen one for $15. Even a 
CHEAP one for $5. But I am not a very technical person or software programmer 
or hardware engineer. I am just a basic user and owner of a TRS 80 Model 100.

Any suggestions or opinions that I can get.

Duane A.
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