Hows come why alluva sudden am I seeing everything in this group like below, I 
wonder?  This can't be right?  Sure does make it hard to read.  If one of yew 
could email how to fix this?   ACK!  

Mail to

Thanks!  :)

From: M100 [] On Behalf Of 
JohnMartinSent: Sunday, May 08, 2016 7:03 PMTo: 
m100@lists.bitchin100.coSubject: [M100] M100 list question I have a TRS 80 
Model 100. Usually I use the BASIC application build in onthe Model 100 to type 
BASIC programs and then save them on the Model 100. There are many files in .BA 
at Rick Hanson's Club100 website. But I have atoshiba laptop running Windows 
10. I download the .BA files to my laptop.The question I have to ask. How can I 
convert the .BA file saved in mydownload folder in Windows 10 to be transferred 
to the Model 100? I do not want to type the .BA program in Microsoft Word and 
save it as a.doc file. I do have a cable with null modem adapter. But I do not 
have theexpertise or any instructions on how to do this. I just want to know 
how totransfer a Model 100 .BA file from Windows 10 to the Model 100. John 
Martin-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was 
 4Date: Sun, 8 May 2016 22:08:01 -0400From: "Mike Stein" 
<>To: "Model 100 Discussion" 
<>Subject: Re: [M100] M100 list questionMessage-ID: 
<F6A63581927E4EF783315F8CEC0EAACA@310e2>Content-Type: text/plain; 
charset="iso-8859-1"Hi John,As Bob said, the .BA files on Club100 are almost 
all in normal ASCII text format; you might want to rename them with a .txt or 
.do extension on the Windows side and they *must* have a .do extension on the 
M100 side. If you open them in Notepad you should be able to read them; in the 
unlikely event that you see a bunch of indecipherable letters and symbols then 
it really is a tokenized (.BA) file and transferring is a little more 
complicatedIf your null-modem cable arrangement is correct, it should be 
straightforward to transfer files back and forth; check this 
 let us know how you make out (you can use any Windows-compatible terminal 
program (e.g. PuTTY, TeraTerm etc.) if you can't find a free copy of 
Hyperterm):There are other ways but that should get you started; you might 
check out some of the other stuff on bitchin100 while you're there.Good 
luck!mike  ----- Original Message -----   From: John Martin   To:   Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2016 7:02 PM  Subject: [M100] 
M100 list question  I have a TRS 80 Model 100. Usually I use the BASIC 
application build in on the Model 100 to type BASIC programs and then save them 
on the Model 100.  There are many files in .BA at Rick Hanson's Club100 
website. But I have a toshiba laptop running Windows 10. I download the .BA 
files to my laptop. The question I have to ask. How can I convert the .BA file 
saved in my download folder in Windows 10 to be transferred to the Model 100?  
I do not want to type the .BA program in Microsoft Word and save it as a .doc 
file. I do have a cable with null modem adapter. But I do not have the 
expertise or any instructions on how to do this. I just want to know how to 
transfer a Model 100 .BA file from Windows 10 to the Model 100.  John 
Martin-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was 
 5Date: Sun, 8 May 2016 20:02:57 -0700From: "John R. Hogerhuis" 
<>To: Model 100 Discussion <>Subject: 
[M100] Unicode mappings - Font?Message-ID:     
 text/plain; charset="utf-8"So the unicode mappings were revisited recently. I 
applied the mapping inone of my PC programs. I was trying to view some stuff 
with a large amountof "block graphics" in it on a PC and it looked really 
bad.Are there better fonts that I should be using with M100 text rendered 
inUnicode? Particularly for the block graphics characters?-- 
John.-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was 
 6Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 09:03:42 -0500From: Steven Ranft 
<>To: Club 100 Model T <>Subject: 
Re: [M100] Null Modem CableMessage-ID: 
<bay169-w50396098d7a72b4ee51cd08c...@phx.gbl>Content-Type: text/plain; 
charset="iso-8859-1"Welcome Matt,I have be a member and reading the wealth of 
info available through the Model-T community for over a year.  I have found 
enough on-line info to keep me busy for weeks straight. But only play and learn 
a few hours per week now.  If you are patient enough to read through it all, 
almost EVERYTHING you could want to know is available.I am in of favor the new 
group on Facebook as Public out-reach, Not as the repository of info.Club 100 
has  been doing a great job collecting  and preserving this knowledge for 
years. I hope it continues to be the GO-TO spot!Sharing the information from 
the Club 100 site and mail list repositories on other groups doesn't harm 
anyone.Starting a Yahoo or other group could help spread the word about these 
wonderful little machines.Any how:  THANK YOU!!  Bruce James for helping to 
spread the word! The name of the group is:Retro portable pcs and Palm tops 
winceIt can be viewed at: am 
not saying you should use the site, but I am saying I can't see any harm in 
people doing so.BTW: It is NOT specifically dedicated to M100 or Model-T 
computers. Perhaps there should be a Facebook group that is?But it might reach 
more people that are unaware of the Model-T if it ISN'T a Model-T specific 
group!>endSteve Ranft Savage, MNDate: Sat, 7 May 2016 07:46:56 -0400From: 
oasiscorpmse@gmail.comTo: m100@lists.bitchin100.comSubject: [M100] Null Modem 
CableHi folks, I am brand-new to both the mailing list and to Model Townership. 
 I did not become aware of these machines until just a fewmonths ago when I was 
watching some vintage computer reviews on Youtube andcame across a video review 
of the Model 100.  I became fascinated enoughwith the machine that I finally 
purchased one off of ebay and have beenabsurdly distracted by it since it 
arrived earlier this week (much to thechagrin of my wife).  Anyway, I have been 
spending a great deal of time onthe club website in order to learn the best way 
to get started with the machineand determine what the best setup might be for a 
newbie like myself. While I continue working through that process, I thought 
that a good startingpoint might be a null modem cable so that I can connect 
with my Linux-basednetbook.  I already have an unused USB-to-serial cable, and 
a DB25 male connector,so I went out on Amazon in search of a DB9 female 
connector.  I discoveredthat the price of the connector was almost the same as 
a completed null-modemcable and was wondering if a prefabricated cable (such as 
this one:
 work with a Model 100,



Thomas A. McKean, HOKC

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