Whether your posts are echoed back and whether you get confirmations are both 
account options, but I've noticed that every now and then they seem to change 
(actually, I don't think the settings change, but they are ignored). Some of 
mine also changed a little while ago...

Account settings:

      Mail delivery 
      Set Digest Mode 
      Get MIME or Plain Text Digests? 
      Receive your own posts to the list? 
      Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list? 
      Get password reminder email for this list? 
      Conceal yourself from subscriber list? 
      What language do you prefer? 
      Which topic categories would you like to subscribe to? 
      Do you want to receive messages that do not match any topic filter? 
      Avoid duplicate copies of messages? 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John R. Hogerhuis 
  To: Model 100 Discussion 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 3:53 AM
  Subject: Re: [M100] Listserv Setting

  No one is supposed to see their own messages echoed back to them. 

  But whatever mail program you use should be able to thread emails you send to 
the list with those you receive so you can see the whole conversation.  

  -- John. 
  On Tuesday, May 10, 2016, Chris Fezzler <fezz...@yahoo.com> wrote:

    I used to be able to see my own posts.

    Now I get verification email that my message posted, but I never see my 

    Is there a setting or command I need to change?

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