So, I have an announcement... a new EXPERIMENTAL Model 100 emulator that
I've been working on.

It runs completely in the browser! PC, Mac, iPhone, Android. Chrome, Safari.

The inspiration was that I wanted to have a Model 100 emulator for my
iPhone. A native emulator written in Objective C would be best, but Apple
doesn't allow you to distribute emulators in their fancy pants App Store.
So a "web app" is the only option.

Of course that means writing all the code in JavaScript. Insane, you say?
Well, I've seen other "HTML5" emulators around, so I gave it a shot.

So experiment with it and let me know what you think. The UI is pretty
rough, I welcome suggestions for improvement.

Recent versions of Chrome and Safari, desktop and mobile versions have been
tested. I haven't tried Internet Explorer in a while, and given that it
doesn't have a Web Audio API, I don't think it's worth targeting.

The file I/O is based on a unique "fake cassette" system. If you CSAVE you
should see your file pop up in a list at the bottom of the page. Once it is
in the list you can download it your machine or save it to Google Drive.
You can also import files from Club100 archive URLs, or from your Google
Drive or your local file system.

So you'll need to dust off your knowledge of cassette usage if you have
been spoiled by TPDD's and TS-DOS. Excercise for the reader: load a .DO
file into the emulator and get it in and out of TEXT. Trust me, it works.

Thank you to Ken Pettit who spent lots of time testing and helping me
diagnose bugs.

CloudT is not intended to replace Ken's VirtualT. VT is still the Gold
Standard of M100 emulators. Download VirtualT if you want the "real thing"
particularly for emulation accuracy or development purposes.

But CloudT may do in a pinch particularly on PC/Macs and faster mobile
devices. It seems to work particularly well on the iPhone 6.

I'm constantly fixing and enhancing this so let me know if you stub your
toe on anything.

-- John.

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