I didn't order quad boards because I already happen to have an 8-bank PG
Designs board. (Well, 7 bank plus the original 1, total 8. The PGDesigns
one doesn't conflict with or displace the internal ram.) I'll probably
still do a set of quads anyway sometime.

But I ordered a set of Rex boards and all the parts to populate them, but
still waiting for the stuff to arrive.

My digikey parts came in just yesterday, which is all components except the
flash. The pcbs have shipped so I migh even get them today. That just
leaves the flash ram. Had to order that from another site. That should show
up any day now too.

There are experiences already:

The flash ram is apparently already obsolete and hard to source.
Maybe there are other equivalents that could be swapped in, and I just
don't know them. The data sheets for a part like that are a little
complicated to be sure about figuring out a substitution. I didn't even try.
Digikey didn't have it, but I got some from Verical.

Had to guess at some values.
What voltage for the caps? I chose 16v.
What power rating for the resistors? I chose 1/4w.

I guess no one can help the ram going obsolete. That will just always
happen rapidly forever I guess.


On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Mike Stein <mhs.st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From Bitchin100:
>   QUAD circuit board is now available on OSHPARK.  You can build your own!
>   Let's get any and all build information and experiences people have
> captured here... parts lists, tips etc.  Can't find it; could you paste a
> link, please?
> And while I'm at it, is the 8K board shared anywhere?
> TIA,
> m

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