I just created my own folder in the member library and have uploaded the 
RAM/ROM map with my additions. I don’t see a way to directly link files for 
download, so just go to the Club 100 Member Upload Library, choose folder Mike 
Nugent, and look for the file 'RAM-ROM Maps.txt’.

I hope someone finds it useful.

— Nuge —

On Apr 5, 2017, at 4:25 PM, Mike Nugent <m100l...@tmne.com> wrote:

> Hiya, WIllard,
>> *The* Mike Nugent? <waynesworld>We're not worthy!!!</waynesworld> :-)
> LOL I think it’s the other way around these days.
>> Humm, higher address, sets both bits? Interesting, I'll have to
>> experiment further.
> I took another look, and it appears the address Tandy gave you is where it 
> checks to see whether CTRL-C or CTRL-S is pressed, setting the carry flag if 
> so. Here’s what this area of ROM looks like in my notes:
> ———   
> 7270H - Check keyboard queue for pending characters
>         Exit:
>                A - Destroyed
>           Z flag - Set if character pending
>           C flag - Set if break is present
>         Note: called via CHSNS
> 7283H - Check for break (Control C) or wait (Control S)
>         Exit:
>                A - Destroyed
>           C flag - Set if Control C or S
>           Z flag - Set if no control C or S
>         Note: called from KEYX (7270)
> 729FH - Check to see if SHIFT BREAK is being pressed.
>         Exit:
>                A - Destroyed
>           Z flag - Set if shift break is being pressed
>           C flag - Set if shift break is being pressed
> 72B1H - Scan BREAK, CAPS, NUM, CODE, GRAPH, CONTROL, and SHIFT key column of
>         keyboard.  Reset the bit in the A register that corresponds the key
>         being pressed
>         Exit:
>                A - Each reset bit corresponds to a key being pressed 
>                    (BREAK=bit 7, CAPS=bit 5, etc.)
> ———   
> I think I’ll have to post this version of the maps somewhere soon. Just have 
> to deal with some urgent business first. Meantime, hoping the above is 
> helpful.
> I’m also going to send a copy (about 93Kb) to your sdc.org address if you say 
> it’s okay.
> — Nuge —
> On Apr 5, 2017, at 3:18 PM, Willard Goosey <goo...@sdc.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, 3 Apr 2017 12:23:05 -0400
>> Mike Nugent <m100l...@tmne.com> wrote:
>> *The* Mike Nugent? <waynesworld>We're not worthy!!!</waynesworld> :-)
>>> A file I have, named ‘M100 RAM/ROM maps’ shows this:
>>> 729FH - Check to see if SHIFT BREAK is being pressed.
>>>       Exit:
>>>              A - Destroyed
>>>         Z flag - Set if shift break is being pressed
>>>         C flag - Set if shift break is being pressed
>> Humm, higher address, sets both bits? Interesting, I'll have to
>> experiment further.
>> More complications... :-(
>> Willard

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