On 16/04/17 13:59, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:

I never realized garbage collection in the BASIC interpreter could create such 
a noticeable slow down.

I was reminiscing about this only a few days ago.  I did work experience
for a company back in the early 80's that wrote a point of sale system on
a cash register. It turned out to be a CBM style machine underneath, and
every now and then it would pause while garbage collecting.  I think the
work around was to use the FRE() function repeatedly before GC was
incurred (at which point it was time expensive to run), and during a point
where there would be pausing anyway (e.g. during receipt printing).
Good times (I think).

I wonder if the M100's basic sports a similar function?

 Daryl Tester
 Handcrafted Computers Pty. Ltd.

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