On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:38 PM, Lee Olivares <l...@braains.net> wrote:

> Definitely saw that link and once I got over the hump of actually
> transferring the CO file using TEENY or SXM.BA it got me further than I
> was for sure.
> So I guess I understand how loadm works, once the CO file exists in file
> storage RAM, loadm copies into work RAM and spits out the load points.
> Once it's copied to work RAM you have to reserve that memory by CLEARing
> to the start (Top) address to actually execute it.
Actually, first CLEAR and then LOADM. LOADM'ing first is technically an
error. But, the nice thing about that error is it gives you a clue what you
need to clear.

> Cool, got it, now how do you "unload" something? Just load on top and do
> an appropriate clear?
Generally you don't need to do anything. If you need the memory back from
the CLEAR for something else (for other files, or a different CO program),
you do a new CLEAR command.

If you usually keep, say TEENY loaded, you can go one step further: CLEAR
and LOADM it once, then delete the original file and replace it with a tiny
trigger file instead. The reason for that is to not use the memory twice
(once for the RAM file, and once for the loaded instance).

> Final clarification, I notice some apps in warm.ba have clear256,XXXXX,
> and others have clear0,XXXXX, and I suppose the runm lines without loadm
> are for ROM based apps like xtel?
The first parameter to CLEAR is to reserve string memory for BASIC
programs. It's unrelated to running CO files. There's one other kind of
memory allocation, file control buffers. There's a different command for

If you don't reserve enough string space some BASIC programs could fail or
run really slow due to hitting time consuming garbage collection more

> PS, Is it accurate that XTEL is only available in the Booster Pak?
Yes. It would be nice to extract it and make it compatible with REX. Maybe
include the flow control feature and unicode translation demonstrated by

-- John.

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