Yes, for convenience. Something I could easily do in VT. I have thought
as I have a real Remem for my M100, my next step would be attach a real
or emulated TPDD for sending/receiving disk images. However I feel it
makes more sense to put the effort into supporting new hardware that
others can acquire.
You'll see when John gets it up on You select CP/M.CO &
you're in.
I should add that the memory map I posted, that was Map 1. So when
selecting CP/M.CO from VT's NORMAL Remem mode, the CO switches to map 1
where the code continues to cold boot CP/M. Yes, with VT's Base/Remem
memory option the M100 RAM block remains intact.
On 9/07/2017 2:10 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
Would it be true to say the ram disk was for convenience? Ie if there
was a Tpdd attached that could have sufficed ( with more development
of course)?
How did you bootstrap into cpm? Is there a power up m100 ram block Also?
Cheers Steve
On Saturday, July 8, 2017, Philip Avery <
<>> wrote:
Thanks Steve
Yes, bank switching to std ROM for interrupts. Also means ROM
calls from Basic, C or any language can easily be made as long as
it's finally despatched from himem (above 8000H).
A memory map should answer your queries:
0 - 7FFFH M100 ROM
8000H - FFFFH CPM RAM (0-32KB)
10000H - 17FFFH CPM RAM (32KB - 64KB)
18000H - 57FFFH Disk A
58000H - 97FFFH Disk B
On 9/07/2017 11:53 AM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
Wow! Phil you've been busy!
I'll have to think about what you're doing with the memory banks.
I assume you are also in all ram mode? Are you bank switching to
std Rom?
In terms of hardware... not easy to map to rex. Rex2 maybe.
But one could imagine a hybrid that uses the rex technique for
writing to a read only socket to enable at least 3 banks of ram.
On Saturday, July 8, 2017, Philip Avery <
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
Well, it's arrived as far as Virtual T. It will need a new
hardware device developed to use on a real M100.
Over a decade in the making (started in 2006), I present 64K
CP/M 2.2 running in VT with Remem enabled. The Remem is used
as RAMdisk, to emulate two disk drives of about 241KB each.
To share this with the group, it would be easiest to share my
VT remem.bin (6MB). Together with my instructions in pdf,
you'll be on the air very quickly.
John Hogerhuis: May I send this to you to host on the <> site?
Ken Pettit: Will my windows variant of remem.bin work with
all the other variants of VT 1.7?
While in theory it will work on a real M100 with Remem, and
with additional software could use a NADSBox to talk to the
modern world (SD card) - I think as these two items aren't
readily available, it would best if a new hardware solution
is developed. Now that it's working in the M100 environment,
it's relatively straightforward to modify the BIOS to work
with any RAMdisk, other storage device or even a wireless
Thanks to Mike Stein for some beta testing.