Actually, when I was testing AsciiPixels a year and a half ago, I noticed VirtualT was a fair bit faster than a real M100 when it came to LCD controller access, so I added additional delay to the emulation in 2.4MHz Speed setting. Perhaps It was a little too much delay. If you run with Max speed, I guarantee it won't be slower than a real M100, unless maybe you are running on a 12MHx XT machine from 1984 or something. :)


On 7/9/17 4:05 PM, John Gardner wrote:
...When are you going to speed up Virtual T?

Not necessarily a bad thing - If it works on the emulator

it may well work on the target hardware....  :)

On 7/9/17, Mike Stein <> wrote:
Hey Ken,

When are you going to speed up Virtual T? The guy in the video says it's
slower than a real M100 !

   ----- Original Message -----
   From: Ken Pettit
   Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2017 4:42 PM
   Subject: Re: [M100] It's Alive!

   Hi Jason,

   Welcome to the world of M100 BASIC programming!  I looked at your code ...
didn't run it yet.  The basic structure looks good.  Some advice as far as
variables that would speed things up:

   1.  The variable names "GRID" and "RGRID" are 4 and 5 characters long
each.  BASIC only uses the first 2 letters for variable names and ignores
the rest.  So each time it parses these variables, the CPU is spending time
skipping over the unused letters that it wouldn't need to if they were
shorter.  Single character names would be the most efficient (though harder
to read).

   2.  You are using string type array variables:  GRID$ and RGRID$.  A more
efficient encoding in terms of speed might be to use integer (2-byte)
variable names instead and then convert to ASCII for the print.  I believe
the numbrer of CPU instructions to process integer variables should be fewer
than string variables:

     70 DEFINT R,G:DIM G(320),R(401)
     90 G(319)=32:G(320)=32: REM 32 is ASCII value for a space
     140 IF GEN=1 THEN G(I)=79 ELSE G(I)=32
     160 PRINT @I,CHR$(G(I));


   On 7/9/17 1:16 PM, Jason Benson wrote:

     Thanks to the super helpful video by Allan Zieser on Youtube( ) I was able to transfer my life program to my

     If anyone wants to take a look at it you can find it here:
     Please note, I am a novice programmer, so my code is crap, but it works.
If anyone has any suggestions to make it better I'm always ready to learn.

     On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 10:28 PM, <> wrote:

       Make a GitHub account and share it?

       BTW, saw your post on Reddit!

       On 7/8/2017 9:02 PM, Jason Benson wrote:

         I finished my version of Conway's Game of Life for M100 basic. It
runs pretty slow, but without errors. I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I can
do to optimize it but I'm super happy just to see it running. Currently it
only exists in my M100's memory, but when I get it transferred (or just
retyped on a PC) is there anywhere I should share it for others to peruse?

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