A while back I had the idea of having an Arduino decode and bit-bang the
cassette port protocol on my T102. As with all of my projects I got
distracted, never finishef, and ended up using the MIDI cable for its
intended purpose.

It seems a more efficient way of storing what is honestly a tiny amount of
data than WAV files or finnicky MP3s

On Jul 30, 2017 18:59, "John R. Hogerhuis" <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Scott Lawrence <yor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've heard that this works even though my gut and knowledge of MP3
>> compression tells me that it can't possibly work. ;)
>> I have one of these radio shack recorders http://swling.com/bl
>> og/2014/10/close-outs-grundig-g2-and-radioshack-digital-recorder/ and it
>> worked ok but the interface is clunky.
>> I also have a tascam Dr-05 portable recorder that
> Well it might have been WAV files. It has been a while but I recall
> working out a system for making reliably loadable files using Audacity or
> Tascam DR-05 I could load from my iPhone.  Pretty sure it's all documented
> in discussion archives.
> One of these days I need to remove that test file from my iPhone. It makes
> for an exciting moment when random play hits TEENY.WAV
> -- John.

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