The TRS-80 Model 100 Portable Computer Quick Reference Guide contains the information:

Shift/Up: Moves the Cursor to the top of the screen above the current position.

Shift/Down: Moves the Cursor to the bottom of the screen below the current position.

So to page up, first you would go to the top of the current screen with the first Shift/Up, and subsequent Shift/Up will page entire screens at a time.

On 3/14/2013 8:23 AM, Ron Hale-Evans wrote:
Hi Howard,

I had already read that chapter when I mailed the list. Unfortunately,
neither the table on page 45 nor the one on page 60 contains the
information I was looking for. Page 60 doesn't mention Shift-Up or
Shift-Down at all; in fact it only mentions the Shift key once -- the
rest are Control keys. For Shift-Down, page 45 merely says, "Moves the
Cursor to the bottom of the Display in the current column", which
obviously doesn't cover the page-down functionality.

I skimmed the rest of the chapter again but couldn't find any mention
of the page-down feature. Does anyone know where this feature actually
_is_ documented? How did you find out about it?


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 8:13 AM, Howard Pepper <> wrote:
Ron Hale-Evans,

     If you look in the TRS-80 Model 100 User's Guide, you will find the
following tables to help you:

     The cursor movement keys table is on page 45.  You can scroll through
the entire chapter on the Text application, starting on page 43.

     In addition to the "standard" keys, there are also the Control Code key
sequences that Ron Wiesen posted earlier, that can be used for cursor
movement, cut, copy & paste, load & save, etc.  You will find this table on
page 60.  If you have the PDF, just print this page out.  If you don't have
the PDF, you can easily download it from the club100 website.

     Hope this helps.


On 03/13/2013 10:59 AM, Ron Hale-Evans wrote:
Brilliant, Russ! Thank you!

FYI all, if you are at the top of your document, the first SHIFT +
down arrow  will take you to the bottom of the first screen, and every
subsequent SHIFT + down arrow will take you to the bottom of the next
screen. Similarly with SHIFT + up arrow.

Thanks again to everyone who has responded.


On 3/13/2013 1:17 AM, Ron Hale-Evans wrote:
I've preferred writing in text editors instead of word processors
a long time because the the latter tend to be bloated, but the
responsive. I find the m100 text editor does almost everything I
it to do, except for one thing.

I really miss PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys for moving quickly but
precisely through a document. It seems that in Text, I'm limited to
either moving a line at a time with Up and Down arrows or the entire
document with Control-Up and Control-Down.

Short of installing a whole new word processor from option ROM or
something, does anyone know of a machine language extension to Text
that would enable me to page up and down?


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