Letting the list know that I have found a couple of defects with QUAD V4
which I did 2 years ago.  Here's the defects I found.

1)  I did not protect the bank switching function adequately.  The M100 OS
will periodically write to ports 80h, 82h and 83h wrt the DVI.  This can
cause V4 QUAD to change banks.

2)  The power up/power down behaviour wasn't adequately protected, and
there was a chance that RAM could be corrupted and/or banks switched on
power transients.

3) I was using the wrong timing to provision banks.

Not too good.  In fact I believe this is the source of the frustrations I
was having integrating QUAD with REX Manager.

The good news is that I have prototyped a QUAD V5 which addresses these
defects.   The changes:
* I have added a MOSFET based "activity switch" that allows RAM and bank
switch protection on power transients
* I have improved the bank selection circuitry to be robust on power
* I have changed the bank switching commands to make the mechanism more
* bank switch state is now preserved during power transients.

I'll report back on how well these changes work out when I get boards back
and have them tested.

In the meantime, I've taken QUAD V4 off of OSHPARK.


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