Yes, I do see a progress bar in the bottom right when it happens.

I know it's a buggy revision but I'm just having fun playing with it. Other
than this oddity I've had great success with it.


On Nov 11, 2017 2:16 PM, "Stephen Adolph" <> wrote:

> Ok.
> thanks for the report.
> When REX writes to flash you always get the progress bar.
> Do you see the progress bar when you suspect rex is writing the RAM to the
> backup image?
> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Brian Brindle <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply Stephen,
>> Short version is if you follow the steps above REX will overwrite a RAM
>> image before prompting you to ask if it's ok and when you first launch
>> REXMGR before you've selected any options.
>> On Nov 11, 2017 11:36 AM, "Stephen Adolph" <> wrote:
>>> Brian can you more clearly lay  out the issue?
>>> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Brian Brindle <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Found an interesting little condition today utilizing the Quick Menu
>>>> Features with REX to backup RAM. If you do things in this order REX will
>>>> write over the current RAM image before asking permission. I doubt this
>>>> would cause any major issues for anyone but it's interesting none the less.
>>>> Select a RAM image, let's call this RAM-A. Do a total wipe / reset of
>>>> the M100 then reload REXMGR but this time select a different RAM image so
>>>> say RAM-B.
>>>> If you at any time hit CTRL-B to backup RAM the image will be written
>>>> immediately then you will be prompted for confirmation. If you say no - too
>>>> bad, it already happened.
>>>> So I tested a few more times just loading REXMGR and noted that the
>>>> progress bar did it's thing in the right corner of the screen when loading
>>>> REXMGR. So started over, switched to a different RAM image again and
>>>> created a file. Verified that indeed just going into REXMGR was causing a
>>>> write to the RAM image without selecting it or requesting a backup.
>>>> Seems to be somehow related to REX remembering the last image you were
>>>> in? The one with the asterisk? If I do a refresh of the one with the
>>>> asterisk everything works as it should.
>>>> Just figured I'd throw that out there in case it wasn't known.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Brian

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