On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 8:48 AM Kevin Becker <ke...@kevinbecker.org> wrote:

> So I gave it a go on a fresh Fedora 27 VM and the binary is complaining
> that it wants libjpeg.so.9 and I have libjpeg.so.62.  I tried a symlink but
> it really wants that specific version.
Well when you decide to give the build a shot again I suggest asking on the
list for help from another Fedora user. VirtualT build is always a little
bit of messing about to build but it always comes together after figuring
out what packages and make command line to use.

But I will say I’ve never had much luck with the canned binary except in

Also if you just want to play in BASIC I created a JavaScript emulator


— John.

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