Hi David,

I will recommend my own game, Text Sweeper, which is a clone of Minesweeper.



On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 12:03 AM, David Laffineuse <davidlaffine...@me.com>

> Jim,
> Thank you!  Your guidance helped me over the last few hurdles.  I have now
> been able to successfully load and run .BA files from the PC via mComm!
> My next question is naturally: what are some of the indispensable programs
> (games, utilities, etc.) that everyone should have on their M100?
> Thanks again!!
> David
> On May 08, 2018, at 07:00 PM, Jim Anderson <jim.ander...@kpu.ca> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> So here is where I am so far:
> You've made great progress!
> - Able to download files from mComm/data into RAM... BUT those files,
> once in RAM seem to be corrupter.  For instance when downloading some
> .BA files, I only get a few lines of code or no code at all, even though
> There's a bit of a trick here - well, not a 'trick' so much as a bit of
> information you need to know.
> Often when you find a .BA file online, it's a plain-text listing of a
> BASIC program which you can view in Notepad etc. The problem is that on the
> M100, a .BA file is a tokenized binary (to save space and improve execution
> time). If you transfer a text BASIC listing as a .BA file the M100 is going
> to try to interpret it as a tokenized binary file and, well, you saw what
> happens. :(
> The trick is to have a look at the .BA file on the PC, and if it's a plain
> text program listing, rename it to a .DO extension before you transfer it
> into the M100. Then, when it's on the M100, go into BASIC and type:
> This will load the program and tokenize it for you. (If it's a big program
> it might take a while.) When it's done, type:
> This will save the tokenized .BA file back into the M100's memory. You can
> now delete the .DO file from the M100, and you can transfer the .BA file
> back to the PC and keep it to save this step in the future.
> Some people adopt different naming conventions for these when storing them
> on a PC - often a program will have a document with it, so there will be a
> PROG.BA which is the plain text listing, and a PROG.DO which is the
> instruction manual. What I personally do is rename PROG.BA to PROG.BD
> (Basic-DO is I guess what I was thinking there) and then copy back PROG.BA
> from the M100 to save the tokenized version.
>    jim

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