Hello! I just got my Model 100 a couple weeks ago and have been having a blast with it since then. One of the first things I did (after cleaning up the leaking capacitor mess inside of it) was to install a system ROM with the Y2K patch. I found a pre-patched image in Steve's member upload library that also includes a "LoMem" patch. I burnt the image to a 27C256, built an adapter board (since I have an older M100) and everything worked as it should. On the menu screen, I now get a "LoMem mod" message next to the date and time.
I can't find any information on what exactly this LoMem mod does. I saw something about the M200 having a "LoMem" feature, but couldn't find anything about that either. Does it let the M100 switch between ROM/RAM banks like the M200? What kind of extra hardware would I need to take advantage of it? Thanks, Jimmy.