On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 3:34 PM Kurt McCullum <ku...@fastmail.com> wrote:

> UR-II and Sardine both have TS-DOS code that is stripped down to the bare
> minimum. Basically just a loader for a specific filename (DOS100.CO or
> SAR100.CO). Sardine has the same loader plus a couple other features.
> The TPDD protocol works. It may not be the 'standard' for anything but our
> Model-Ts but after all these years that's what we've got. Having TS-DOS in
> ROM solves a lot of problems.
> Kurt
Come to think of it, if one were to get rid of something cohesive in the
ROM, probably it's cassette support and maybe 300 baud modem stuff
(probably not much there).

And put in a DOS loader as you suggest.

Or *maybe* TEENY would fit. Probably not, but maybe.

Of course you will break some applications and optroms that have any
dependency on bytes in the cassette code. And I do mean bytes... some
things just depend on short subroutines or just raw data content of the ROM
for various tricks.

In CloudT I hook all the cassette stuff to create a simple file/load save
system to a browser file queue because there is a bunch of code there that
knows how to deal with the Model T file system and formats. It was a hack
but it works.

-- John.

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