I *believe*, the M100 will charge the NiCad battery from the AAs even when
off. Due to that mechanism, the RAM will be preserved until the AA and
NiCad are both dead.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 3:26 AM Eric LK <tr...@lefauve.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I got a 24KB Model 100 about one year ago and I've been using it a lot,
> but after some loss of the internal data in the last month, I've checked
> the Ni-CAD battery and it seems to show signs of imminent leaking.
> So I ordered a new one (3.6V / 80mA) and I would like to know if there are
> some advice I should know before jumping in and switching the battery, or
> some tutorial about this.
> Also, the user guide is not very clear about how long I should let the
> Model 100 switched ON to fully charge the Ni-CAD, which I assume I will
> have to do once it's installed before I start transferring back my files to
> the internal memory.
> And since we're on the topic, can someone tell me how long the internal
> memory can last without turning the model 100 on ? (User guide says about
> one week, but I've been away for work for 30 days, and my data was still
> there when I came back...)
> By the way, this is my first mail on this list, so I'd like to thank you
> in advance for your precious help!
> Cheers,
> Eric
> PS: Fun fact, the data loss was probably caused by a bad batch of AA
> batteries, but I still prefer to change it since it looks like it has never
> been changed before :o)

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