On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:12 PM Kurt McCullum <ku...@fastmail.com> wrote:

> Greg,
> That's interesting that you had to drop the speed down to 300. I suspect
> the USB to serial adapter was not responding to the XON/XOFF messages from
> the MT before it over-ran the buffer on the MT. I have not run into this
> problem with the Windows version of mComm. The Android version had this
> problem in the past and I had to write my own routines to handle XON/XOFF
> when in TELCOM/TELNET mode or when pushing TS-DOS. I may end up having to
> do the same thing with the Windows version. Glad to hear you have it
> working now.
> Kurt
As far as I know the USB serial driver isn't involved in software flow
control. Seems Windows level. But maybe.

Just curious... do you do most of your testing on M100?

If the NEC really has a larger queue...

-- John.

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