> Anyway the "cleanest" way would be a KB patch loaded to RAM.

That's exactly what that ROM does. You activate it with a call 63... (something)

I live in Belgium, I do have the AZERTY ROM for the Model 102, but I don't know 
if I have it for the 200.
I will check. Where do you live, maybe I can send it, if I find it?

Q to list: how can I make a ROMdump from BASIC?

Good thing that AZERTY for the Tandy's for France and Belgium were the same, 
that's not the case for PCs.

Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
Jan-80             """""
@ work            ( @ @ )

From: M100 [mailto:m100-boun...@lists.bitchin100.com] On Behalf Of Georg Käter
Sent: vrijdag 26 oktober 2018 16:19
To: Joel Barbe
Subject: Re: [M100] Tandy 200 azerty rom

Hello Joel and all M100/102/T200 enthusiasts,

you can find in the KB mapping in the T200 8k ROM from address
0x1763 onwards. the KB table is organized in 6 blocks of 44 bytes,
264 bytes in total.

1. key
2. SHIFT key
3. GRAPH key
5. CODE key

I modified a T200 ROM in that way to a GERMAN KB layout and
it works perfect. Before programing an EEPROM I´ve used VirtualT
for testing.

Anyway the "cleanest" way would be a KB patch loaded to RAM.The
files attached was provided w/my T200 sold in Germany in 1986 to
do this task.

Georg from Germany

========== Ihre Nachricht ==========================================

von      : Josh Malone <josh.mal...@gmail.com>
gesendet : Montag, 22. Oktober 2018, 17:56
an       : m...@bitchin100.com
Betreff  : [M100] Tandy 200 azerty rom

__________ Originalnachricht _______________________________________

> On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 6:54 AM Joel Barbé <quara...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> My question is: do someone have an azerty rom dump file? So i'll try To burn 
>> it.

> I don't have an actual azerty ROM, and I assume that there is a
> genuine one available. However, I just thought I'd note that Bunnie
> Huang has a great article about having the 102 to support Dvorak:

> https://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?page_id=27

> and presumably his principle would also apply to an azerty mod as well.

> -Josh

__________ Ende Originalnachricht __________________________________

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