I have two WP-2's, but one is dead and I plan to transplant it's screen to
a Amstrad MC100 (it's a pin compatible change and a contrast improvement
for the NC100)

The WP-2 is a good writing machine. I wish the flash memory cards for the
slot on the side weren't scarcer than hen's teeth. But the cheap 128K
upgrade chip (from Jameco) helps to alleviate that problem
Other than the keyboard it is superior to a m100 for just plain writing.

Regards all
Dave Szasz

On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 10:29 AM Abraham Moller <molle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the tips. It sounds like I should stick with my x86 palmtops
> for now. Maybe when the price is right I should consider an M100/M200/T102
> with the REX option (and flash MFORTH onto that).
> Jon
> On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 8:57 AM Anthony Coghlan <coghl...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I recently got one and like it as a dedicated word processor / note taker
>> because of the nice screen and cool form factor, as you note.  It’s also
>> easy to transfer files to my Windows 10 machine (I think I use LaddieCon).
>> But as Willard mentioned, the screen is slow.  Sometimes the word processor
>> does odd things, such as jumping to another nearby part of the text.  Maybe
>> I accidentally typed a command or arrow to jump, but it’s still silly to
>> suddenly and somewhat frequently find myself typing in the middle of
>> another place in the text.  Nonetheless, as a dedicated word processor,
>> it’s a nice idea.
>> I was intrigued by the Zork idea also.  A purely text based application
>> like that, which also doesn’t require super fast screen refreshing, may
>> work well.  I share Willard’s concern that it may be a challenge to do much
>> more from a programming perspective on the WP-2, though.
>> Best wishes,
>> Anthony
>> On Sunday, March 31, 2019, Abraham Moller <molle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Oops - I meant the VCF SE 7.0. But Zork on a WP-2 was evidently
>>> demonstrated at the VCF MW 9.0 in 2014 (by Christopher at
>>> randomvariations.com).
>>> Jon
>>> On Sun, 31 Mar 2019, 02:07 Abraham Moller, <molle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I had a few questions about the Tandy WP-2. How many here have used the
>>>> machine? It seems like a nice upgrade from the Model 100, although the lack
>>>> of BASIC is a disappointment. The 80x8 display, XMODEM capability, and 128K
>>>> drop-in RAM upgrade seem like the main advantages. It also looks like Forth
>>>> and an Infocom interpreter have been ported to the machine.
>>>> Has anyone here used or upgraded WP-2 CamelForth (besides John
>>>> Hogerhuis, of course)? It looks promising, and disk I/O plus inline
>>>> assembler would make it really strong. Also, does anyone on the list have
>>>> the source for the WP-2 zxzvm Infocom interpreter (Christopher from
>>>> randomvariations.com ported it, but I can't find his email address
>>>> anywhere)?
>>>> I have a QuickPad Pro (80186-powered) in a similar form factor that
>>>> does much more (DOS), but it is hampered by a weird serial port (no way to
>>>> receive data without frequent software interruption, at least through
>>>> testing with DSZ). Is the WP-2 worth it for tinkering? Has anyone developed
>>>> other apps for the WP-2? A Z80 laptop running Forth and zcode interpreter
>>>> would be really nice and a great addition to my planned portable computing
>>>> exhibit at VCF SE 9.0.
>>>> Let me know if you have any suggestions or if I should just steer clear.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jon

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