Ooh, I like the idea of patching up the paste buffer's file table entry....
I need to try that out over the weekend.
Thanks, that's a great idea.

The only reason I don't just use my own file is that for the tool I'm
imagining, it would be handy to generate values directly into the paste
buffer so I don't have to generate the file, load the file, copy the data,
load the destination file, then paste the data.
It also opens up the possibility of a small routine that just clears the
paste buffer (freeing up the memory) if I have copied a large chunk of
data, and one that shows the buffer's contents without creating another
file to paste it into.
Though those last two programs are mostly useful in dealing with data I put
in the paste buffer myself, so they may not be as generally useful as they
would seem.

One wrinkle - I'm using a 102, so HAYASH isn't a consistent name. I may
need to patch it right before opening it every time. I haven't investigated
that part.

On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:57 PM John R. Hogerhuis <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 11:22 AM Dan Higdon <therealh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Peeking the paste buffer and scanning for EOF would definitely work for
>> reading the buffer. The writing of data into the paste buffer seems like a
>> harder problem.
>> Might using the "make room" function (or whatever its real name is, I'm
>> no near my docs right now) be capable of resizing the fake file to hold new
>> data?
>> I'm imagining a machine language routine that can replace/append a string
>> onto that file.
> If you mess with the file system from BASIC you will probably want to do
> some embedded ML code. There are multiple steps besides just MAKHOL.
> Why not just use a regular file? BASIC knows how to deal with RAM text
> files.
> You can mark it hidden so it doesn't show up in the menu. Hopefully BASIC
> would still let you access it hidden, don't know. You could unhide it
> temporarily if necessary.
> But it will take up one menu slot.
> Hey there's an idea... maybe patch the paste buffer entry in the
> Directory...  HAYASH to make it visible to BASIC (give it a name, unhide
> it, open, append, close)
> -- John.

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