Scott, glad to see you are willing to do this. If I may offer a suggestion. 
There is quite a bit of space left on the default TPDD2 system disk. Saving 
DOS100.CO and DOS200.CO onto that disk would allow a user to boot Floppy.CO and 
then use it to load TS-DOS. Just a thought.


On Mon, Jul 29, 2019, at 7:19 AM, Scott Lawrence wrote:
> Okay. I totally dropped the ball on this. I offered free TPDD2 disks a few 
> months back and then got busy on stuff. I think I still have the emails about 
> it, but i'm going to pick this back up right now
> i'll send out these for the price of shipping (send me shipping money when 
> you receive them.
> Who needs TPDD2 Util disks?
> (you can send me direct email with your address)
> -s
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 9:58 AM Kevin Becker <> wrote:
>> Arcade Shopper has them for sale.
>>> On Jul 29, 2019, at 9:50 AM, Paco <> wrote:
>>> Hi, recently I bouht a Tandy Portable Disk 
>>> Drive 2, boxes, full, except this diskette. 
>>> How can i made for DIY a copy of this diskette.
>>> I'm looking for ebay and Withers website and I dont find any Thing. 
>>> Thanks all people
> -- 
> Scott Lawrence

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