I've moved a little further since then.
I'm making frequent changes right now, because I'm trying to get that over with as fast as possible so that it doesn't have to change any more.

I have the original design dialed-in and done, but this new version to try to make a simpler pcb shape is going to be a question mark until I get the first print.

Latest pcb is 38.2mm x 16.2mm with about 1.7x1.7 chamfer, and the edge contacts reduced a little making a little more room on the pcb. Now I could get 3 maybe even 4 traces around the outside of the cpld between the cpld and the edge contacts, on each side.

Getting rid of both the polarity pin and the notches in the corners leaves only a very tiny bit of ledge on the pin1 / pin28 corners to trap the pcb in the carrier. The chamfer provides a good chunk for the pin1 corner, but that still leaves the pin28 corner.

But I think it *just* works out well enough if I dance several fine lines between various limits, and if so, the payoff is a pcb with a simpler shape and much less wasted real-estate and also more forgiving fitment and alignment in the carrier. Without the hole and pin, it's less of a problem when the fab router cuts aren't *exactly* where the drawing says. The whole pcb is free to center itself in both directions, which makes a big difference. I could get that by just making the pin smaller and loose in the hole, but I just don't like that.

I'm using OpenSCAD now and damn it's really cool. The whole carrier, actually, 4 different variations of it, is all described in a few K of text and half of that is comments. And all dimensions are variables defined at the top, easy to twiddle. Fully parametric. And even dynamic. I have if() conditions scattered in the file all hinging off a single variant=foo variable at the top, and a Makefile that overrides that variable from a commandline option to generate .stl output for all 4 variants from the same source file.

One of those variants takes a full simple rectangular pcb with no mechanically enforced polarity. I *think* that should be able to take an old original REX1, possibly with a little simple sanding. So it may be possible to put old existing REX's (and FigTroniX, but I assume no one but me ever bothered to make any of those) into carriers if someone wanted. I have some unmodified original REX1 pcb's to check that out when I get the test prints.

All of these still have a bottom tray shape that might still be a problem for your new boards with all the chips on the bottom. The pocket for bottom-side parts and through-hole legs is still just 12.5mm x 36mm (that could be extended, perhaps all the way to the pcb edges at 38.2mm) x 1.2mm.

That pocket shape could possibly be violated, but only by compromising one thing or another.

You could have the entire width between edge contacts by sacrificing the side walls. That would make the empty carrier much more flexible, even floppy, but that might not matter. It may still snap onto a pcb, and the assembled module might be just fine with the pcb providing all the rigidity.

You could have more than 1.2mm "height" on the back side by having holes in the floor to allow individual components to poke through. The floor is 0.8mm right now. Both Shapeways and Sculpteo allow as little as 0.7mm, so if it's really close, you can shave another .1mm, and for a little more, the pcb could be elevated possibly as much as 0.5mm from where it is now and still make good contact. I have it way down at 2.0mm from the socket floor now, and I think it still works ok as high as 2.54mm.

The floor is currently 14.1mm wide, to make it safe so that even if a user inserted an empty carrier into the socket, there is no risk of them damaging their socket by pulling the carrier back out. Even the original carriers didn't have that safety. If you stick an original real carrier into a socket with no chip installed, it is totally trapped by the socket pins. If you had components that needed more than 1.2mm thickness, and they spanned the full 14mm width across, you could have the floor be as wide as 16mm, maybe even a bit more, and it would be no worse than the original "real" carriers from a safety standpoint, and that might leave just enough material to hold the two ends attached to each other, to allow them to be snapped onto the pcb and hold themselves there.

Ideal of course, would be to somehow live within that 12.5mm width, because then the carrier could be a single common form that all pcbs could use.

Since I think only one guy besides myself has yet ordered any of the current pcb and carrier design, I'm going to push right ahead and switch to using this new chamfer version as *the* version for both Teeprom and REX as quickly as I can verify it. IE hurry up and obsolete the current design before anyone cares about it.

I have yet another idea for a pcb and carrier combo that provides mechanical polarity enforcement AND still allows the full use of the full rectangle pcb shape. By having a single prong stick out of the end of the pcb near pin1, and have a matching hole in the end wall of the carrier. Not in the middle like if it was to fit in the slot in the socket, off-center near pin1, to fit into a hole in the carrier. That would also provide solid side-to-side registration of the pcb in the carrier the way the pin did. The pcb shape would no longer be a simple rectangle. It's no problem to have the fab router the right shape, but depending on where the fab puts the panel break-off points, it might be annoying and inconvenient to sand the edges of the pcb. With all 4 sides being straight lines, it's dead easy to just swipe the pcb on a flat surface a few times. So, that idea might have a purpose in life, it's neat to have the option, but I would try not to need it. But, if you are really filling up a board to the corners, it's actually a perfectly available option. It's nothing to add that feature to both the pcb router path and the carrier cad file.


On 8/21/19 2:20 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
thanks Brian,
I'll take a close look and see what the extent of the changes would be to adopt this.

On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 2:52 AM Brian K. White <bw.al...@gmail.com <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    I think I have a pcb & carrier that might work better for you.

    I have to wait for the samples still, but here's what it looks like:

    On this one the pcb is a simple rectangle with no funky steps in the
    corners, no polarity hole, and instead a simple chamfer on the
    pin1 corner.

    Dimensions are just 38mm x 16.2mm
    For the chamfer, shorten two sides by 1.7mm
    The carrier opening is 0.1mm bigger in both directions, so this is
    actual pcb dimensions.

-- bkw

    On 8/10/19 8:00 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
    > Just the keys that fit the Molex.  2 on one end and one on the
    other end.
    > On Saturday, August 10, 2019, Brian K. White <bw.al...@gmail.com
    > <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
    >     What do you mean by stubs?
    >     The notches cut out of the corners?
    >     There needs to be something to hold the pcb from sliding
    >     The pin actually would do that well enough on one end, but since
    >     the pin is far to one end, the other end would move too much (I
    >     think), and you don't want two pins. So that little bit of
    >     skinnier pcb trapped between those vertical edges at the ends is
    >     enough to do it.
    >     And I think I will simplify that to just be 45 degree angles at
    >     the corners instead of those little steps the way it is now.
    >     That job could be done some other way, not just that way. There
    >     could be a single notch in the middle of the ends, and matching
    >     ridge in the carrier, and no walls at the corners of the carrier
    >     and no notches in the corners of the pcb, for one possible
    >     If you didn't already have a developed design with a lot of work
    >     already in it, and you were aiming to have all components on one
    >     side anyway for other reasons like manufacuring, then the
    >     would be both stronger and effortless to make if the parts were
    >     all on top instead of bottom. The pcb has to lay pretty close to
    >     the bottom of the socket and so there is not much room
    between the
    >     pcb and the floor. Plus then you could have the hole for the
    >     polarity pin as long as you could make room between the traces.
    >     The pin doesn't extend above the pcb, so you can have chips over
    >     the hole, but not under it.
    >     --
    >     bkw
    >     On 8/10/19 6:58 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
    >         Thanks,
    >         Why do you have the stubs for the molex on this drawing?  I
    >         would have thought that such things would be unneeded
    with the
    >         carrier.
    >         I have to take a close look at length.  I think it can work
    >         but with changes.
    >         On Saturday, August 10, 2019, Brian K. White
    >         <bw.al...@gmail.com <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com>
    <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com>>
    >         <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com>
    <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com <mailto:bw.al...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:
    >             Here is a messy pdf
    > http://tandy.wiki/images/c/c7/Pcb2molex8878_pcb_dims.pdf
    >         <http://tandy.wiki/images/c/c7/Pcb2molex8878_pcb_dims.pdf>
    >         <http://tandy.wiki/images/c/c7/Pcb2molex8878_pcb_dims.pdf>>

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