I did not do the E1SE thing, I assume it is an artifact of scanning

On Sat, 25 Jan 2020 at 10:26, Mike Stein <mhs.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What Brian said!
> Also, like many things, context matters; perhaps those variables are used 
> elsewhere and they do need to be initialized. Even if not, 'habits' like 
> explicitly initializing variables are often considered and taught as 'good 
> programming practice'.
> Personally I wouldn't write it quite this way but to some extent programming 
> is an individual art form, especially in a hobby context; it's also good to 
> remember that depending on where, when and by whom it was published the fact 
> that it appears in a magazine doesn't necessarily mean it's good style or 
> practice, as seen by the regular corrections in subsequent issues.
> If you want help fixing a problem then publish the whole program; if you need 
> to criticize someone's style why not do it in a less condescending way. Note 
> that that also leaves you open to the same criticism; I note that you don't 
> show how you would do it instead ;-)
> I don't know whether it was that way originally or whether you introduced 
> that typo, but the 'E1SE' instead of 'ELSE' in lines 17 and 21 will certainly 
> cause a problem.
> m
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian K. White" <bw.al...@gmail.com>
> To: <m...@bitchin100.com>
> Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2020 10:49 AM
> Subject: Re: [M100] another program
> > Sometimes another explanation for a seemingly no-op line is, given that
> > it's impossible for a human to avoid forming habits, doing things by
> > habit, one can choose consciously to adopt habits that will more-often
> > work. Like always initialize your variables, or always set them to the
> > most likely default value before having the decision code that may
> > overwrite it. Rather than say, having a case statement or some if's that
> > are supposed to cover all cases and just trusting that one way or
> > another it always gets set to something valid.
> >
> > Maybe one day in Foo implementation of language X, variables are
> > initialized for you, so, in that case, it's not necessary. But if you
> > had *that* habit of by default, never bothering to initialize things
> > explicitly except in the exception cases where you need to or when you
> > manage to actually notice a problem, then you will always be running
> > into the problem, or worse, not realizing that you have a problem
> > because in testing it seemed to work.
> >
> > But if you have the habit that you always initialize, then that always
> > works and never hurts.
> >
> > This particular program might indeed be inelegant, but some of the
> > example's you're highlighting are not automatically wrong or stupid.
> > They might be, but the exact same line of code could also be perfectly
> > valid and the result of more sophistication than you rather than less.
> >
> > --
> > bkw
> >
> > On 1/24/20 9:37 PM, Peter Vollan wrote:
> >> Oh, come now, this is spaghetti BASIC, not pointers in c.
> >>
> >> Look at this:
> >>
> >> 15 T1 = 0: T2 = 0: T3 = 0
> >> 17 IF A1$ = "S" THEN T1 = 6 E1SE 21
> >> 19 SC = SC + T1: IF SC = 60 THEN SC = 0: TM = TM + 1
> >> 21 IF A1$ = "R" THEN T2 = 1 E1SE 25
> >> 23 MI = MI + T2
> >> 25 IF A1$ = "T" THEN T3 = 10: TM = TM + T3
> >> 27 IF (TM + MI) > = 60 THEN TM = TM - 60: HH = HH + 1
> >>
> >> ISTR hearing that some early computers needed their variables set to 0
> >> or else they will be full of random junk. Kinkd of like an undelete
> >> program. But even if that is the idea, you can see that this approach
> >> makes no sense, as the variables are not incremented, but set to
> >> something else. And when I ran the program, the updated time was only
> >> displayed when Turns (10 minutes) was updated and I do not think that
> >> was meant to happen. This is what they were publishing in magazines?
> >>
> >> On Fri, 24 Jan 2020 at 13:47, Brian K. White <b.kenyo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> Frequently when I see something that makes no sense, I discover sometime
> >>> later that it did actually do something.
> >>>
> >>> A line of code can look non-sensical, or merely non-optimal, because of
> >>> all kinds of different reasons, like it's a way to write something that
> >>> works on multiple platforms even though by rights they should each be
> >>> different, or it causes some internal effect in the interpreter or
> >>> hardware like loading or clearing registers as a side-effect, or it
> >>> pushes the internal tokenized keywords in the program around into some
> >>> funky byte alignment or other structure that ends up executing faster,
> >>> or allows some other bit of the code to do some dirty math trick with
> >>> pointers to addresses that by rights it should have to do some much more
> >>> expensive but safer way.
> >>>
> >>> Or it could actually just be dumb. Or it could be corrupted like it was
> >>> originally typed in wrong manually from a book or OCR'd, or it worked
> >>> fine on some other machine and it's only a bug now because of an
> >>> incomplete port.
> >>>
> >>> There is at least one program where the bugs are actually the entire
> >>> point of the program. The program name is, shall we say, promising. You
> >>> run it. It fails but the error is obvious because you are smart! So you
> >>> fix that clod's mistake and wonder how this crap ever made it into the
> >>> archives without someone else fixing it before now. It runs a tiny bit
> >>> further and fails again. Again the new error is obvious so you fix it.
> >>> Man this programmer was a freaking buffoon. You fix a couple more
> >>> errors, and in the end all it says is something like "wasn't that a fun
> >>> game?" The promise of the filename never existed. ;)
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> bkw
> >>>
> >>> On 1/24/20 2:26 PM, Peter Vollan wrote:
> >>>> Well, it doesn't say that. And if it did, that would still be a dumb
> >>>> way to do it. Then the next line sets three variables to 0 which is
> >>>> totally unneccessary, so that's a line that does nothing. And that is
> >>>> only the tip of the iceberg of the problems with this program
> >>>>
> >>>> On Thu, 23 Jan 2020 at 09:55, Dan Higdon <therealh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>> The final number on that line should be an 11, then it works. (That is, 
> >>>>> "ELSE 11", not "ELSE 13")
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Sun, Jan 19, 2020 at 4:57 PM Peter Vollan <dprogra...@gmail.com> 
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>    Check this out! Not only is it a dumb way to do things, but it does
> >>>>>> not even work the program just hangs!
> >>>>>> 13 IF AL$ = "S" OR AL$ = "R" OR AL$ = "T" THEN 15 ELSE 13
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> bkw
> >

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