In article
   Stephen Adolph <> wrote:
> Willard, I assume this all happens only when REX is installed?

Huh, no! With or without REX.

I'm suspecting a bad RAM or power supply issues.

Neither amuse me. :-(

> Assuming that there is no defect with REX, then * what release of
> firmware is running?  IE the REXMGR software load version.  There is no
> way to know directly but you can report the Checksum value and that
> should correlate. 

it says :
Software 4.0 cs=6e83
model: rex
firmware: 6(1)

> * is your socket healthy?  are the pins making good
> contact?

Seems to be. REX works fine!

Willard Goosey
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
I search my heart and find Cimmeria, land of Darkness and the Night.
  --Robert E. Howard

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